Anfrage Lampen fuer die rumaenische Grenzpolizei Aussschreibung

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Anfrage Lampen fuer die rumaenische Grenzpolizei Aussschreibung, eingegangen am 27.08.2009.
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Anfrage Anfrage Lampen fuer die rumaenische Grenzpolizei Aussschreibung vom 27.08.2009
Text zur Anfrage 1. Patrol hand lamp = 350 pcs, consisting of: „« 100 W xenon bulb ¡V for identify target on border country ¡V with 45 minutes utilization time at 100 W; „« Secondary halogen bulb with 10 W, for illuminate the road for patrol unit ¡V with minimum 4 hours utilization time at 10 W; „« Minimum 2.000.000 Candles at 100 W xenon bulb; „« Function autonomy: minimum 4 hours at 10 W halogen bulb and minimum 45 minutes at 100 W xenon bulb; „« Maximum weight: 5 kg; „« The patrol hand lamp must have rechargeable accumulater, use car 12 Vcc 0r 220 Vca with transformer; „« Rechargeable time to the maximum capacity: maximum 4-6 hours; „« Shock resistant polyethylene plastic casing; „« The patrol hand lamp must have included: - Mains charger; - Battery charging; indicator (red to green); - Detachable shoulder strap; - Adjustable stand; - 1 pc x rechargeable accumulater; 1 pc x 100 W xenon bulb; 1 pc x 10 W halogen bulb as spare parts. 2. Patrol Handhold searchlightings = 830 pcs, consisting of: „« Minimum 3 millions candle; „« It can be operate from any 12 V DC power supply and can be supplied with either a Jack Plug or cigarplug „« Must have a minimum 100 W halogen or xenon bulb; „« Power light: minimum 3.000.000 Cd; „« Maximum weight: 1 kg; „« Shock resistant plastic casing; „« The patrol handhold searchlighting must contains: - Mains charger; - Spiral 2 meters cable with cigar plug, handhold; - 1 pc x bulb and 1 pc x cigar plug as spare parts.
Menge 350 ; 830
ca. Auftragswert
erforderlicher Liefertermin wird angemeldet
Versandart LKW, exW -Bukarest
Angebot bis 01.09.2009

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